مليشيا قادمون: اخترقنا شركة صهيونية فجر اليوم

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In The Name Of God
█ █ ALLAH is Sufficient for me; On Him I have relied, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne." [Al Qur'an 9:129] █ █

Target: Ceragon.com
Description: Company Private Network & Mails 
Hosted On: Internet Binat Ltd

--------                 --------           ----                     -----                       ----------
Username                 Password           Name                     Email                       Login Time
aggrey sang
aggreys                  Gr3@tYear!19       Aggrey Sang              [email protected]
ariel kadosh
arielk                   Ark123!@#          Ariel Kadosh             [email protected]
assaf hezroni
assafh                   Ateret34           Assaf Hezroni            [email protected]
athanasios dimakos
athanasiosd              IwaCNH018          Athanasios DIMAKOS       [email protected]
avichay shani
avichays                 As895689           Avichay Shani            [email protected]
avraham  shmuel
avrahams                 spike&Wilo         Avraham  Shmuel          [email protected]
bentzion moshkovitz
bentzionm                May5viki%          BenTzion Moshkovitz      [email protected]
boris trinajstic
borist                   Dublin123#         Boris Trinajstic         [email protected]
dimitryk                 Diman0101
dimitryk                 Diman0101          Dimitry Kotlarevsky      Sun May 13 23:53:41 2018
dmitry sergeev
dmitrys                  !QAZxsw2           Dmitry Sergeev           [email protected]
doron nehoray
doronn                   Tommyboy16         Doron Nehoray            [email protected]
dror panhi
drorp                    Pause889           Dror Panhi               [email protected]
efe utuyorume
efeu                     Cera_123456        Efe Utuyorume            [email protected]
ella owsinski
ellao                    Yonatan7           Ella Owsinski            [email protected]
emil-lucian lupusanschi
emill                    44Eduard201017     Emil-Lucian Lupusanschi  [email protected]
ester raz
esterr                   1@Password         Ester Raz                [email protected]
gabriel itegbe
gitegbe                  Alexis@0234567     Gabriel Itegbe           [email protected]
haim baba
haimb                    Aviv@2018          Haim Baba                [email protected]
itamar arusi
itamar tambour
itamart                  Etceragon012       Itamar Tambour           [email protected]
itay gerhard
itayg                    Emmaromy2709QQQ    Itay Gerhard             [email protected]
itsik hadar
itsikh                   Ilana(00           Itsik Hadar              [email protected]
ivanm                    Password!23
ivanm                    Password!23        Ivan Milosevic           [email protected]
jonathan baqueiro leal
jonathanb                Ceragon30          Jonathan Baqueiro Leal   [email protected]
juan britez ferro
juanf                    Ceragon2018Q3      Juan Britez Ferro        [email protected]
laxmikant yadav
laxmikanty               NEWLIFE@2018       Laxmikant Yadav          [email protected]
liat zion
liatz                    Babi1306           Liat Zion                [email protected]
lior nameri
lior shuker
liorna                   DaOrYu2030         Lior Nameri              [email protected]
liors                    9ol.8ik,           Lior Shuker              [email protected]
maria-matilda peptisor
mariape                  Ceviataminunata!6  Maria-Matilda Peptisor   [email protected]
michael novofastovsky
michaeln                 MN2hdv~MN          Michael Novofastovsky    [email protected]
miguel  martin
miguelm                  Pilpel2013%        Miguel  Martin           [email protected]
monu kumar
nirbikalpa ganguly
nirbikalpag              Ceragon@123456789  Nirbikalpa Ganguly       [email protected]
niv weisman
noam liberman
noaml                    Welcome1902        Noam Liberman            [email protected]
noga klein
nogak                    Guy300610          Noga Klein               [email protected]
omera                    Av23re06ch         Omer Avrech              [email protected]
ori hanoch
orih                     Rinat010279*       Ori Hanoch               [email protected]
paul sorrentino
pauls                    Cithpoei2019!      Paul Sorrentino          [email protected]
prashant gawai
prashantg                Server@2025        Prashant Gawai           [email protected]
prasun mondal
prasunm                  Ceragon!12345      Prasun Mondal            [email protected]
pravat das
pravatd                  iphone@21          Pravat Das               [email protected]
pritpal singh
pritpals                 bani$3896          Pritpal Singh            [email protected]
reena maligalig
reenam                   Cryingbaby1        Reena Maligalig          [email protected]
reenam                   Footfeb!           Reena Maligalig          [email protected]
rika                     Tomk1102           Rika Kouhana             [email protected]
rika kouhana
sachinv                  Papa926874@
sachinv                  Papa926874@        Sachin Verma             Sun Jan 27 17:28:53 2019
sagit moskovitch
sagitm                   Mika123mai         Sagit Moskovitch         [email protected]
shai suissa
shais                    Miki1973           Shai Suissa              [email protected]
sharon bernstein
sharonbe                 Ceragon111*        Sharon Bernstein         [email protected]
shay kfir
shayk                    Sk12345678         Shay Kfir                [email protected]
shirly drikes
shirlyd                  Danishevsky2015    Shirly Drikes            [email protected]
shyam lal
shyaml                   Qwertyui@12345     Shyam Lal                [email protected]
sinisa pejcinovic
spejcinovic              Password4000       Sinisa Pejcinovic        [email protected]
support lab
supportlab               Sieslb-2018        support lab              [email protected]
svetlana slutskin
svetlanas                Verilog765         Svetlana Slutskin        [email protected]
temitope malomo
teodoro  valencia
teodorov                 Password#123       Teodoro  Valencia        [email protected]
thomas-konstantin sandu
thomasks                 PungaVi0leta312    Thomas-Konstantin Sandu  [email protected]
tzofit cohen
v-monuk                  Huawei_1q2w3e      Monu Kumar               [email protected]
v-yoramz                 ChainCut5^         Yoram Zilberg            [email protected]
yael klein
tzofit cohen
v-monuk                  Huawei_1q2w3e      Monu Kumar               [email protected]
v-yoramz                 ChainCut5^         Yoram Zilberg            [email protected]
yael klein
yaelk                    Welcome999         Yael Klein               [email protected]
yehoshua hirsh
yehoshuah                Zrubavel2567       Yehoshua Hirsh           [email protected]
yoram zilberg
yossi pinto
yossip                   Gooday112018$      Yossi Pinto              [email protected]
zeev siman-tov
zeevs                    Ceragon7733        Zeev Siman-Tov           [email protected]

وادناه الباسووردات للشركة الاسرائيلية