بالصور بريطانيا تستقبل جثث قتلى في سوريا قتلا قبل 3 اشهر!!

وصلت جثثا بريطانيين الى لندن وهما أوليفر هال الذي قتل أثناء قيامه بنزع ألغام في مدينة الرقة في الـ 25 من شهر تشرين الثاني  2017، وجاك هولميس في الـ 23 من شهر تشرين الأول 2015 في مطار هيثرو

Jac Holmes, pictured, and Oliver Hall, died while clearing bombs in Syria after going to join the Kurdish fight against Islamic State

Jac Holmes and Oliver Hall, pictured, died while clearing bombs in Syria after going to join the Kurdish fight against Islamic State

Kurds raised their hands in respect and gave speeches to honour the two British men who died while serving in the resistance 

Kurds welcomed the bodies of the two British men home as they were repatriated at Heathrow Airport today